Cat Herding

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Remembering Ginger ... and Halloween

Halloween the cat, has crossed the Rainbow Bridge, as movingly described in her blog.
I never met Halloween or her Food Lady or her Food Dude, but her blog photo shows a strong resemblence to our Ginger. Ginger crossed the Bridge in 2005 at age 20 after living for some years with CRF (chronic renal failure). Ginger and her brother followed me home one night many years ago when I was walking my dogs. (Well, she was the FIRST one to meet me in that way). Her brother didn't want to stay in a house, but Ginger felt right at home, even with the dogs. Her brother would come for meals sometimes -- creeping through the doggy door. Ginger was a great snuggler - there were many cold winter mornings when I didn't want to get up to go to work because I was so comfortable lying next to a warm purring cat. I'm thankful that she lived into my retirement so that I could enjoy those cold mornings with a warm cat without worrying about being late to work. Here's a photo of her from 1998 - compare it with Halloween's photo. I've never seen another cat that looked so much like Ginger. Maybe they'll meet at the Bridge.

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